The Motion of Gratitude®

Episode 10: Shifting your Perspective in a Chapter Where you Can’t Shift Your External Environment

Shannon MissimerEpisode 10: Shifting your Perspective in a Chapter Where you Can't Shift Your External Environment


For me, motherhood made me realize that there were sometimes in my life where I am in an environment that I cannot change (or may not want to change), and it may not be the external that needs to change, but the internal PERSPECTIVE that needs a shift.

In this episode I dive into how once I realized the impact that my perspective had on many of motherhood situations, it changed so much of my motherhood journey and how I viewed the day to day.

If you are in a state of motherhood where you feel stuck, or you feel like you can’t control the external environment, I hope that this podcast can provide you with some thoughts on how shifting your internal environment might be everything that you need in order to feel better, calmer and more at peace with your current situation.

If you have questions or want to connect- we now have an Instagram page! Come say Hi @inpursuitofgratosis on IG or send me an email at
I would love to connect with you, if this resonates or if you want to dive deeper into the conversation, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

I hope you enjoy.

All the Best,


I say it over and over again during The Motion of Gratitude podcast: we believe there’s more to life than just going through the motions. Are you ready to transform your life through the power of gratitude? Introducing ‘The Experience’—our 28-day combined physical product and digital gratitude practice designed to help you cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude and presence in your daily life.  With ‘The Experience,’ you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery, learning to be present, an

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Ready to step into your life and stop going through The Motions? Let our 28 Day Gratitude Initiative be your new starting point! If you are ready to:
– find the good already in your life that you are missing
– find presence in your life so you don’t let life pass you by
– start a consistent daily rhythm to set the tone in your life

Then join us! Purchase Your Experience today and get started!

Looking forward to connecting with you!