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"I was so caught up in the chaos of my life, I forgot to
acknowledge the beauty. This practice changed my life."

-Shannon, Chief Gratitude Officer

It doesn't have to take a lot of time to
dramatically shift your mindset.

Week 1: 10 Minutes

Get started with a daily
gratitude journaling
practice and get in the
habit of checking in with
yourself each morning.

Week 2: 15 Minutes

Seal in your practice with
some simple breathwork
to truly embody your
gratitude mindset and
bring it into your day.

Week 3: 20 Minutes

This week we’re adding in
a quick loving kindness
meditation to amplify your
gratitude and share it with
the people you love.

Week 4: 50 Minutes

Close your day with
gratitude by incorporating
an evening routine with
a Yoga Nidra practice
before bed.

Do it at your own pace, in your own space.

“I don’t have enough time”

You need just 10 minutes a day to begin this practice!

“I say grace at dinner,
does that count?”

With this practice you will go from speaking to embodying true gratitude– and we promise it will change your life!

“This is not in my budget”

Get access to this practice for
just $1 a day!


“The kids come first– they
keep me so busy!”

Practicing gratitude will actually make you a better mom! Release irritability and increase your emotional bandwidth to deal with tough situations.

Are You Ready to Invest in Yourself?

The Experience: Basic

28 Days of Content

In-App Experience

Lifetime Access       

Only $1 a Day!

The Experience: Bundle

28 Days of Content

In-App Experience

Lifetime Access

Only $1 a Day!

Hardcover Journal


2 Gratosis Bracelets

As a small business, we don't offer refunds at this time!

What is Gratosis®?

Hint: It’s an achievable state of daily gratitude that will
keep you above the drama and in the present